Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Spring Into Spring!

Spring is almost here which means spring cleaning! And while the thought of spring cleaning may not be what you want to think about, have you thought about spring cleaning your photos?

Are your photos all nicely placed in photo albums and labelled so that 50 years from now you can remember who that was standing next to Aunt Mary or remember that funny story that Uncle Albert used to tell? If you are anything like me (and most of us), your photos are all over the place...some in photo albums, some tucked away in boxes, with no rhyme or reason to any of them.

This is your story, your family history and pictures need a story to go with them. If they are not written down, how will you remember them? Will your children know the stories that go with the photos?

Heritage Makers can help you with that! Upload your photos to your FREE HM account, and start a project. There are many sizes of photobooks available, or make a calendar, playing cards or posters!

Start simple...perhaps a small 5X5 book. You could make a brag book of your children or grandchildren, a personalized story book for a special child in your life, an "I love you" book for your significant other, the possibilities are endless!

For more information, or to contact me about specials, e-mail me at photobookinspirations@live.ca.

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